Next Mission - Haiti in November

November 16-29, 2018 This mission is jointly led by Chalice and F.A.M.E. Canada – the Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelists. Please find mission details here . We are recruiting: 2-3 family physicians, 1-2 public health nurses, 2-3 optometrists and/or assistants, 1-2 social workers, 1 person for logistical support. Will you help us? If you are interested in joining us , please call 1-800-776-6855 and we will provide the full details and application. If you know someone who may be interested in joining us, please share the mission details with them. Most importantly, please pray for our mission – for our team in Canada and Haiti, and for the individuals and families we endeavour to serve while on mission. Thank you for your interest and support!