Solidarity Tour 2011 to Peru: Below are posts from our last Tour


The Sisters of the Good Shepherd (our PINIFE site) live and work in El Pino - in a slum area that reaches up along and over the hillside in Lima, in the District of San Luis.

Our first day visiting our PINIFE site, we were 3 hours late arriving (due to low fog at the Cusco airport). We got off our bus a the base of the hill and crossed a few busy streets. Pedestrians do not have the right of way here, but our fearless young leaders from the site stopped traffic for us when needed. Once across, we looked up near the top to see white and red splashes of colour here and there. As we mounted the hill, we were greeted by streets lined with red and white balloons, dozens of posters welcoming us, and beautiful faces smiling :) and welcoming us. Even though were were THREE hours late, they were still waiting to greet us! And what a welcome it was - it was organized entirely by the community, and the sisters were just as surprised, saying they have never before seen such a display! I have never before seen such gratitude as I have on this journey.

The living conditions surrounding us as we mounted this slum spoke of Christ's journey carrying the cross, on the way to His crucifixion --- but it was entirely illumined by the beautiful, joyful, grateful faces of the people. And then I saw it: the great Banquet Feast of the Resurrection.


  1. With tears of joy, after viewing this little window of God's great love, I am moved with compassion for family in Christ and filled with great hope, inspired to reach out and love and eager to take those steps toward Christ in my neighbor. To all of you ....Peace and Love and Joy and Thank you!!!!( and hugs, miss you and *muah* for my Jojo ♥)


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