Coming Home

So…I have been asked to do the final blog post for our Guatemala Solidarity Tour.  I’m not a very good writer but, writing from the heart and by the Grace of God I’ll give it a shot.

Not only was this my first mission trip, but it was my first time outside North America.  Why you ask?  Because I was afraid.  Of what? Everything.   I heard so many horror stories about people missing flights and luggage being lost, etc.  I soon realized even if those things DID happen it didn’t matter; everything would work out in the end.  Even the language barrier didn’t seem to slow us down! 

The warm welcome we received from everyone we met was amazing, it was like we’d known each other forever and were just coming back after a long time away.  The love, care, concern and support that we all showed one another no matter what the situation just blew me away.  It felt like family.
I have worked for Chalice since 2009 and I thought it was about time I saw firsthand what Chalice does.  Sure you hear about it from other people and you think you know, but unless you’ve seen it you only know a small portion of the reality, at least that’s what I found.  I love children, and to see children at the Nutrition Center who have suffered was probably the most difficult and eye-opening for me but at the same time it was so uplifting to see how much they improve and to see the love between them and everyone who works there.  There were many other experiences in those 10 days that I’m sure affected us all in some way and I could probably go on forever about my experiences alone.  I feel this trip has changed me for the better in so many ways.

A personal message to the Team and to our friends in Guatemala: Saying goodbye to all of you was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do.  I knew it would be but I didn’t expect it to be as hard as it was.  I want to thank you all for sharing in this experience; I can’t imagine having shared it with anyone else.  Love and miss you all.
- Becky Milligan
