Mission to the Philippines

Unfortunately we’ve had to cancel our mission trip to the Philippines 
(scheduled for March 10-25)
The security risks have heightened beyond a point with which we are comfortable.  

Please join us in praying for Filipinos.

Chalice is hosting our 14th mission – and it will be our first one to the Philippines!  Please refer to the full mission details.

Mission dates are March 10-25 and will cost approx. $3,100 (including flights, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, and touring Palawan Island).  We’ll be visiting Chalice’s Tondo Sponsor Site, working alongside our partners, learning about their model for sustainable development, and building relationships with the families we serve and other Canadians with a heart for service.

Chalice has worked in the Philippines for 17 years, and this is our fourth year working in Tondo, the most densely populated district of Manila.  It is a vast emerging landfill, with almost 65% of its residents engaging in scavenging, garlic peeling, and odd jobs that barely earn a decent living.  The Sponsor Site’s activities are based out of Centro Salvador, St. Martin de Porres Mission.  The Centro offers educational programming (including music, dance and art), a nutrition programme, regular medical and dental check-ups, and most importantly, empowers families through training and workshops.  Families strengthen one another, so that they can thrive and contribute to their community.  To learn more about the Site’s work, refer to the 2016 Site Director’s Letter as well as a video about Tondo.

Applications are due January 10.  Please call (1-800-776-6855) or email (joannealbrecht@chalice.ca) if you have any questions. 


  1. God made this world equal but we have made it disproportionate, where the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. I wish there are more people like who try to create equality. Best of luck for your mission.


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