
Showing posts from June, 2013

Hasta Luego (June 6)

My 1st day back home and when I open my email this is the message that is there from Neal Donald Walsch whom I get inspirational messages from daily: On this day of your life, Sharon, I believe God wants you to know... ...that words may help you understand something, but experience allows you to know. Yesterday as I made the drive back home from Calgary in silence, I didn't feel a need to turn the radio on as I needed time and quiet to process the 12 days I spent in Guatemala. These words written above are so true, it is difficult to explain all I experienced but there is a deep knowing. To read more, check out Sharon's personal blog here....     At work in the Nutrition Centre   At Hogar Luis Amigo (home for girls)   Big smiles with our new friends!        

The Nutrition Centre (May 31)

I spent most of my service time during this Guatemala experience at the Nutrition Centre in Champerico. This centre is a residential program run by Sister Rosa who is a most caring, capable and knowledgeable woman with a nursing background. The children in her care are suffering from malnutrition. It was shocking to see how small and fragile these children are, especially given their ages. Our first tour of the Centre brought many of us to tears. One little girl was 11 years old and was no bigger than a four year old. Another child was almost 4 and looked like a one year old. These children responded so well to our time and attention; and we saw noticeable differences in their abilities and social interactions by the end of the week. I am a physiotherapist who has worked in the field of Infant Development for many years. It is rare – if ever – that I saw a child who was significantly malnourished in Canada. And so it was shocking for me to see the impact of malnutrition on the deve...

A day in the life of a participant in the Chalice Solidarity Tour to Guatemala (May 31)

We started the morning with running water.   Yeahhh!   We had a very good breakfast of eggs, beans, ham, toast and fresh pineapple, papaya, and cantaloupe.   After breakfast, most of the group went to the Nutrition Centre on tricycle rickshaws because the white van was being repaired (we noticed a loud squeak the day before).   A smaller group visited sponsored children at Andres Giron. Norma went to the Nutrition Center to help pack 600 bags with donated items (brought with us from Canada) such as pencils, crayons, sharpeners, notebooks, colouring books, jigsaw puzzles, soccer balls, stuffed toys, toothpaste, tooth brushes and more! Along with Norma, Tim, Nicola, Cathy, Sandy, Damien, Patty, Diana, and others worked in an assembly line to get this done.   The conditions were very hot (mucho calor!) and mucho humid.   The bags will be handed out to the sponsor children and their families on Sunday at the Community Picnic.   Others who went to the Nut...

The Build Site & Nutrition Centre (May 27 & 28)

We have heard in John’s Gospel, “Love one another as I have loved you.” One way to live agape (unconditional love) is through the virtue of solidarity. Solidarity calls us to “an active commitment to our neighbor and demands of us a shared responsibility for all of humanity. This duty is not limited to one’s own family, nation or state, but extends progressively to all…so no one can consider himself or herself extraneous or indifferent to the lot of another member of the human family.” John Paul II 6 Days into our Journey and where do where do I begin?   I have seen on TV and in pictures such areas of the world but to experience it and see it first hand is truly an experience that will change who I am as a person.   Each evening we gather to share our day and we are to reflect   on where we saw God or perhaps where we saw the absence of God.   God is here and very much in the work that Chalice, the Sisters and the support staff and all are involved with.  ...