St. Joseph's Feast Day

March 19th, St. Joseph's Feast Day, is also Father's Day in Bolivia.  It means a day off for students and workers alike and lot of celebration.

 This little man is watching the festivities from his rooftop, overlooking the valley below from the mountainside.  He had my heart in an instant with his fearless lounging and beautiful smile.

Here's the view from in front of his home...

A wider view from his home to the valley below...

We were visiting sponsored children and their families this day.  When we showed up to Lucinda's home, this pup was hanging out, ready to greet us:

 Lucinda's family gave us such a warm welcome - this photo says it all!

 We then continued on for another visit, which brought us up the mountainside even higher...

It was quite a walk!

Interesting to see all the homes.

It was well worth the walk when we met Edwin and his mom!

 Our next visit was with Melinda. With the support of her sponsor, hard work and God's grace, she is the first in her family to become a professional!  She is a nurse and shared her story with us.  She is a big fan of soccer (futbol) too, so we brought her a soccer ball - looks like her nephew likes it too!
And in case you're wondering how the Canadian team are faring, just consider the delicious food!
 Chicken soup and barley drink (with cinnamon - delicious!)

These potatoes are prepared in such a way that they will last for months!

 And lastly, Rosario, our beloved Site Director for PENNT Sponsor Site.
Hasta luego amigos!


  1. Lovely faces lovely reception so beautiful there it's like I'm with you maybe one time I can


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