To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow – Thursday Oct 17, 2019

Another busy day! A number of activities were going on today, including home visits, distribution of Days for Girls (reusable feminine hygiene) kits for new mothers, and a presentation on lactation and baby health by one of the nurses in our group. For those of us not involved in these activities, a visit to a Chalice circle group garden was organized. We enjoyed a lovely ride in the countryside before arriving at our destination. The dirt road going to the garden was narrow and had too many potholes for the bus to pass safely. We would have to walk! Along the way we saw a man working hard to break large rocks into smaller ones. This is one example of the many things we saw being done by hand. Our hosts were very proud of their garden patch. We could see an abundance of vegetables growing including cabbage, corn and onions. We were all treated to a nice large carrot before heading back to the bus!