Alisha's Adventures in India

My friend and colleague, Alisha, is currently on an adventure in India! As Chalice's International Department Administrator, she is visiting our Sponsor Sites this week and next week will be facilitating training for our Site Staff. Her Blog ( Alisha's Awesome Adventures ) is fabulous! It will bring you right into life at our Sponsor Sites in India - her stories are heartfelt and the photos are beautiful! Her most recent entry ... Last night (Friday) Sr. Deepa and I took the overnight train (7 hours) from Bangalore to Bellary (northern Karnataka state)... "The pride in what little these people have far surpasses the pride that many of us well-off people have in our abundance of things. " "One sponsored child showed me a frame that he made with all of the photos his sponsors sent him." "The community gathered in their small church. There was a small baby, maybe 2 months old, whose mother died soon after she was born...