Blessed to do Home Visits - Friday Oct 11, 2019

Today we went on our 3rd home visit to see a 12 year old girl, Jentrina, who lives with her grandmother in Mkongo. When we arrived we were so touched to see Grandma rolling out a straw mat for us to step on. She was wiping tears from her eyes as she called out to Jentrina to bring out a chicken. Grandma herself brought out a bag filled with peanuts.  We praise God for their kindness and generosity. They have so little yet they were eager to offer us the best of what they have. We learned through the Field Worker, Gutram, that Jentrina loves studying and is the number 1 student in her class. We thank Chalice for arranging this home visit and we pray that Jentrina can continue her education and pursue her dream of becoming a medical doctor.

Then we visited Oresta who is 5 years old. She lives with her grandmother, her parents and a little brother. Oresta is a shy little girl. She just held on to a barbie that we brought along on the visit. We offered the little boy a ball but he was also much more interested in the doll! The neighbours started to gather at the door, and were happy when they each received a balloon. Seeing their smiles made me feel that we truly live in a world without strangers.

Ada Luong 
