Just LET GO! - Saturday October 5, 2019
Rain continued to fall throughout the night and so, our ambitious plans for the day became uncertain. We faced the possibility of having to stay in and work on unpacking our donation suitcases and other things. This was a disappointing thought. We all wanted to meet our Tanzanian brothers and sisters!
After Mass and breakfast, we assembled to hear about the situation faced by families in Tanzania. Emily, the International Manager for Africa, and Father Cino, Site Director for Mbinga, told us how Chalice sponsors help to keep children in school, particularly high school which is very expensive. It also provides government health insurance for families. The reality for many Tanzanian families is one of hardship and struggle. They may have 2 or 3 acres of land where they plant maize to cultivate a total of 10 bags of corn in an entire year. Six or seven bags will be used to feed the family, while the rest are sold to support all other family needs. This provides an annual income of $100 to $150 only!
We were all excited to learn that the roads were passable and we would be able to go out to meet the community of Tungi after all!
Emily prepared us. She said be ready for a lot of dancing, singing and eating.... and just LET GO! And so it was!
As our van pulled up to the Tungi Community Centre we were greeted by a joyous community celebrating our arrival with song, dance and a cultural music group playing drums, flutes, manyangas and marimbas. What music to our ears! How could any stand still? This music makes you want to dance and clap and .....LET GO!
Our next stop was the Tungi Government Primary School - a one room building in severe disrepair - filled with 120 smiling faces of children aged 6 to 13, making it the most beautiful building in the village. The beautiful children were happy to delight us with their singing and smiles.
We split up into three groups - one to plant trees...
one to paint a mural and one to do some hand washing and teeth brushing workshops with the children.
At the end of the day, around 3 pm, we learned that these children had not eaten since 7 that morning, and possibly not since the day before. We collected some funds and provided a small snack for the children, but we know it is not enough. At this point it is difficult to describe our feeling with words, but I leave this with you, dear reader, to reflect upon.
After Mass and breakfast, we assembled to hear about the situation faced by families in Tanzania. Emily, the International Manager for Africa, and Father Cino, Site Director for Mbinga, told us how Chalice sponsors help to keep children in school, particularly high school which is very expensive. It also provides government health insurance for families. The reality for many Tanzanian families is one of hardship and struggle. They may have 2 or 3 acres of land where they plant maize to cultivate a total of 10 bags of corn in an entire year. Six or seven bags will be used to feed the family, while the rest are sold to support all other family needs. This provides an annual income of $100 to $150 only!
We were all excited to learn that the roads were passable and we would be able to go out to meet the community of Tungi after all!
Emily prepared us. She said be ready for a lot of dancing, singing and eating.... and just LET GO! And so it was!
As our van pulled up to the Tungi Community Centre we were greeted by a joyous community celebrating our arrival with song, dance and a cultural music group playing drums, flutes, manyangas and marimbas. What music to our ears! How could any stand still? This music makes you want to dance and clap and .....LET GO!
Our next stop was the Tungi Government Primary School - a one room building in severe disrepair - filled with 120 smiling faces of children aged 6 to 13, making it the most beautiful building in the village. The beautiful children were happy to delight us with their singing and smiles.
We split up into three groups - one to plant trees...
one to paint a mural and one to do some hand washing and teeth brushing workshops with the children.
At the end of the day, around 3 pm, we learned that these children had not eaten since 7 that morning, and possibly not since the day before. We collected some funds and provided a small snack for the children, but we know it is not enough. At this point it is difficult to describe our feeling with words, but I leave this with you, dear reader, to reflect upon.
Although I wasn't able to participate in the mission, it's really interesting to see what goes on at the sites. Thank you for the posts and know that my prayers and best wishes are with the mission team!