In the morning we headed to the Site Office and from there to the Open
Centre. We brought along tools to help us do a number of repair jobs
which needed doing. |
Here Roddie is installing light bulbs in the fluorescent fixtures. |
Kent organized all of the gardening prep activities requested by Vivian, the agriculture enthusiast at the Centre. |
Monika took over the window repair preparation and ordered
glass to replace the broken ones.
John repaired the little chairs to make them more secure. Longer nails were ordered. |
Michelle and Karen practised their hacksaw skills as they cut up a foosball game to use as a raised planter. |
John also helped change light bulbs with his extensive electrical skills.
Kent and Evo, son of Vivian, hang the tarp around the garden to protect it from tiny feet and animal matter. |
Douglas, Kate, and Sr. Graciela meet to organize the events for photos and videotaping. |
In the afternoon we drove out to the San Gaspar site. A warm welcome from the circle mothers, and the children awaited us. Unfortunately our activities were cut short by a torrential downpour, and a lack of space in the small shelter there.
Bozena with some of the children at the San Gaspar site. |
Karen and Glen with one of the babies. |
This grandmother is the circle group leader, aka "animadora". |
Joanne with one of our interpreters, Andres. |
Finally got myself into this blog. Looks like you are accomplishing a lot! Many Blessings Shirley